
The Feldenkrais Legacy Forum is not an organization affiliated with either the Feldenkrais Guild of North America or the Feldenkrais Educational Foundation of North America.

Contact Us: [email protected].

We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Practitioners, please let us know about your areas of interest and skills.

  • Offer the skills you can contribute (i.e., fundraising, writing, software, planning and project management, communications, research, design, etc.).

Feeling passionate about this work but unsure how you could contribute? Please join! Actually, many of us are learning valuable skills along the way.

The Feldenkrais Legacy Forum Board.

Anna Johnson Wolf, President, studied with Dr. Feldenkrais and has been a practitioner since 1977. As an Assistant Trainer for over forty years, she has taught in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Europe, and North America. She came to this work from a background in theater and psychology and has a great curiosity for how we learn and change. She currently practices in Connecticut and New York City.

Jim Stephens, Vice President, has a Neuroscience PhD from Temple University and trained in Physical Therapy (PT) at Hahnemann. He completed the Toronto Feldenkrais Training in 1987. Jim integrated the FM with his PT training into his multi-level practice and, as faculty, has introduced the FM in university PT programs. He was chair of the Feldenkrais Research Committee and has published a number of research papers and reviews on Feldenkrais Method (FM).

Marina Gilman, Secretary, has BA and MA degrees in Music in voice, as well as an MA in Communication Disorders.  She graduated from the Montreal Feldenkrais Training in 1996.  Marina has worked in both major otolaryngology clinics and in a private practice as a Feldenkrais practitioner and voice teacher.  Marina has taught Feldenkrais workshops for performers, voice therapists, as well as at professional voice and medical conferences. Her research on the relationship between body posture and voice has been published in medical voice journals.

Alice Friedman, Member at Large, finished her Feldenkrais Training in 1987. She is an experienced Feldenkrais Assistant Trainer, Registered Psychologist, Somatic Experiencing practitioner®, and dancer. She has explored the intersection of motion and emotion her entire life and has included this passion in her professional life. Alice has organized several Feldenkrais Trainings and she continues to teach in Feldenkrais Trainings. She maintains a private practice, including workshops and mentoring, on Salt Spring Island, BC.

Ed Mills, Acting Treasurer and practitioner, lives and works in Washington State.

The Mission of Feldenkrais Legacy Forum is to promote the integrity, evolution, and sustainability of the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education for future generations.

We are committed to ensuring the future of Moshe Feldenkrais’ legacy. We are not an official policy-making or certification body.