Other Areas of Interest


The Collaborative Learning Project

The Collaborative Learning Project, a working group of the Feldenkrais Legacy Forum, is developing ways such as online chat groups or zoom meetings in which practitioners can find colleagues with whom to share ideas, learn, and practice. The goal is to expand the options available to practitioners that are low cost, involve limited travel and meet the specific needs of the individual practitioner for community engagement. Participants are then encouraged to form their own special interest or regional group to continue the dialogue.

Competency Profiles for Practitioner Learning

This group is exploring how the Feldenkrais Practitioner Profile can be more easily integrated by practitioners into their self-learning and professional practice.

“This great ability to form individual nervous paths and muscular patterns makes it possible for faulty functioning to be learned. The earlier the fault occurs, the more ingrained it appears, and is. Faulty behavior will appear in the executive motor mechanisms which will seem later, when the nervous system has grown fitted to the undesirable motility, to be inherent in the person and unalterable. It will remain largely so unless the nervous paths producing the undesirable pattern of motility are undone and reshuffled into a better configuration. We can now understand how “the life history of the individual is somehow written into the cortex, even in the excitable motor cortex, where functional patterns are relatively stable.” The motor cortex patterns are formed in man while the paths are formed and the cell processes grow and are subject to environmental influence to a degree unknown in the rest of the animal world.”

- Body and Mature Behavior Moshe Feldenkrais, reprint 1966 Pg 40